Active volcanoes / Aktive vulkaner:

Bulusan, Philippines

Bulusan volcano is situated in Sorsogon Province, 70 km southeast of Mayon Volcano and approximately 250 km SE
of Manila at 12°46.2'N, 124°03'E. Its top reaches 1.559m asl, the base of the volcano has a diameter of 15 kilometer.
It is now a stratovolcano formed insaide a caldera. There are several hotsprings around, and it has 4 craters,
with a fissure located below the crater that opened in 1984. This fissure is measuring 5 to 8 meter width and
about 100 m long.

There have been 16 historical eruptions, the last one from March to June in 2006.


Friday, November 26th, 2010
Clouds of ash from the Philippines’ Bulusan volcano forced thousands to flee their homes as the volcanic debris
damaged crops in Sorsogon province.

Officials warn that up to 80,000 residents in 70 villages could be affected if Bulusan’s activity increases further.
One of the mountain’s strongest blasts so far sent ash soaring more than a mile above the central Philippines.

Schools near restive Bulusan Volcano in Sorsogon province that are being used as evacuation centers have
adopted shifting schedules for their pupils. At least seven classrooms in the high school are being used as temporary
shelter for residents in nearby villages who were evacuated from their homes.

Other schools that also adopted shifting schedules in the town included Cogon Elementary School, Bolos Elementary
School, Guruyan school, and Sangkayan school. Local officials have also distributed some 4,000 face masks
to local students and teachers, it added.

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Bulusan Volcano’sseismic network recorded eight (8) volcanic quakes during the 24-hour observation period.
During good visibility, weak emission of white steam from the volcano’s crater and known thermal vents was observed
drifting towards southeast. Yesterday’s measurement of Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission rate yielded an average value
of 10 tonnes per day.

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
Two episodes of ash explosions occurred at 3:30 PM and 3:43 PM yesterday from the crater of Bulusan Volcano.
The steam driven explosions produced grayish ash columns that reached heights of approximately 1000m and 800m, respectively, above the crater and drifted to the southwest. Both explosions were accompanied by rumbling sounds
heard at Barangay Monbon in Irosin.
Field investigation conducted by PHIVOLCS volcanologists yesterday confirmed that ashfall affected the following areas: Barangays Cogon (2.0mm), Tinampo (1.0mm), Monbon (1.0mm), town proper and Bolos (traces) in Irosin and
Barangay Sangkayon (traces) in Juban, all located in the SW and WNW sectors of the volcano.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) emission rate measured yesterday yielded a value of 168 tonnes per day. Prior to the explosions,
the seismic network detected two (2) volcanic earthquakes. For the past 24 hour observation period, steaming activity
varied from very weak to moderate.


Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Bulusan Volcano’s seismic network detected a total of eight (8) volcanic earthquakes during the past 24 hours.
The summit of the volcano was most of the time obscured by thick clouds.
However, during times of good visibility weak to moderate emission of white steam was observed.
Phivolcs said the average sulfur dioxide flux for Monday was 338 tons/day, following an ash explosion in the morning.

The November 6 and 8, 2010 ash explosions are typical of Bulusan Volcano’s activity during its restive period.
PHIVOLCS expects more explosions to occur in view of the volcano’s recent reactivation.
Areas within 4 kilometers of the summit has been designated a Permanent Danger Zone.

Aircrafts are warned to come to near the volcano, in case of new explosions. Also preparations are being
made for quick evacuation of people, in case of lavaflows or pyroclastic flows.

Monday, November 8th, 2010
At 6:45 this morning, Bulusan Volcano produced another ash explosion from its summit crater.
The steam-driven explosion lasted for around five (5) minutes and produced a brownish to light grayish ash cloud,
which rose to about 700 m above the summit.

The seismic network around Bulusan Volcano recorded 28 volcanic earthquakes during the past 24 hours.

The recent ash explosions are more or less typical of Bulusan’s activity during its restive period. PHIVOLCS expects
more explosions to occur in view of the volcano’s recent reactivation. Hence, Alert Level 1 is reiterated to reflect the
present activity at Bulusan. Areas within 4 kilometers of the summit has been designated a Permanent Danger Zone.

Frequent eruptions, recorded since the mid-19th century, have kept the summit of Bulusan volcano unvegetated.
The principal summit crater is 300-m wide and 50-m deep. Two craters are located on the lower SE flank,
the lower of which contains a crater lake.
Photo by Chris Newhall (U.S. Geological Survey).

Saturday, November 6th, 2010
At 8:11 A.M., Bulusan Volcano ejected a light grayish steam and ash column that reached an approximate height
of 600 meters above the crater rim. The ash ejection was reflected as an explosion type earthquake with a duration
of 57 seconds. Seismic records before the event showed four (4) volcanic earthquakes.
Field investigation by PHIVOLCS volcanologists disclosed that areas 6-10 km NW of the crater were affected
by traces of ash.


Bulusan is generally known for its sudden steam-driven or phreatic explosions. It is one of the most active volcanos in the Philippines, and after Mayon, Taal and Pinatubo is considered the 4th most active, having erupted 15 times since 1886.



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