på Tori-shima ligger i en kjede av små øyer ca
600 km syd for Tokio. Øya er hjemsted for en av de truede albatrossartene,
den korthalede albatrossen,
og har ikke vært bebodd av mennesker siden det Meteorologiske
Institutt trakk sine vitenskapsmenn tilbake fra et observatorium der
i 1965 som følge av et kraftig jordskjelv. Omkring 30 mennesker
bodde før det på øya, til de ble evakuert like
etter 1939-utbruddet.
I 1902 drepte et utbrudd alle 125 beboende på øya.
Søndag den
11.august kom det et utbrudd fra den øde Tori-øya (Tori-shima)
fra Izu-vulkanen.
Dette var første gang på 63 år ifølge en offentlig
Det var omkring kl. 15:30 lokal tid den 11. august at
et skip nær Izu-Torishima rapporterte til den japanske kystvakten
at de så hvis røyk over toppen på vulkanøya.
Deretter fløy et fly utsendt av det Meteorologiske Insitutt (JMA)
ut til øya
og konstaterte at det rundt kl. 18.00 sto en skysøyle omkring
200-300 m over krateret på Iwoyama. En ubekreftet
melding gikk ut på at svart røyk veltet opp om morgenen
den 12.august.
En ny rapport fra JMA den 12.august kunne fortelle at et fly mellom
kl. 11.45 og 12.45
observerte en askefyllt skysøyle på 200-300 m over krateret,
og som deretter drev vestover i omkring 1.000 m høyde. Skråningene
på NNV siden var dekket av aske og misfarget havvann kunne observeres
hele 20 km vest for øya.
© Mainichi Shimbun / The Suntory Fund for Bird
Izutori-øya er hekkeplassen for albatrossen man en gang trodde
var utryddet. Miljøministeriet
sier at det er mulig at et utbrudd nå kan true fuglene. Albatrossen
trodde man var utryddet
allerede i 1949 som følge av overdreven jakting, men to år
senere ble et mindre antall fugler
funnet på denne øya. De ble også senere funnet
på Senkaku-øygruppen. Man regner i dag
med at antall fugler på Izutori ligger rundt 1.600 individer.
Hekkekolonien til fuglene ligger omkring en kilometer fra vulkankrateret.
De legger vanligvis sine egg i november og kyllingene kommer ut i
januar. Med unntak av hekkesesongen som varer fra oktober til mai,
bruker fuglene det meste av
sin tid til å krysse fram og tilbake over hele Stillehavet.
Short-tailed Albatross
In the Japanese language the albatross is known as ahohdori.
Ahoh means "stupid" and dori means bird, so ahohdori
literally means stupid-bird.
It seems the reason for this rather disgraceful name is related
to the circumstances surrounding its near extinction. At the
end of 19th century people moved from Hachijo Island, located
almost 300Km south of Tokyo, to Trishima Island, about 300Km
further south. There they killed Short-tailed Albatross Diomedea
albatrus in large numbers, and used their feathers to stuff
quilts. The bird was apparently named ahohdori because it didn't
fly away, even when confronted by the sight of its fellow birds
being killed.
(not active Sept. 2010))
Status of the Short-tailed Albatross ( Diomedea albatrus ) and
Its Conservation and Breeding ProjectSeptember 22, 2006
The Ministry of the Environment is pleased to announce that
it has succeeded in relocating a colony of Short-tailed Albatross
- 13 chicks were identified at a new breeding site at Hatsunezaki
on Torishima Island during its monitoring conducted in February
2006. On the entire Torishima Island, Toho University's monitoring
in April 2006 observed the fledging of 195 chicks, the largest
number since the university's monitoring began. The total population
of the Short-tailed Albatross at present in Torishima Island
is estimated around 1,830.
A project to guide Short-tailed Albatross to form new colonies
in the Ogasawara Islands was launched this year. Mukojima Island,
part of the Ogasawara Islands, was selected as their new breeding
site. This year, the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, with
the cooperation of the U.S. Government, plans to conduct an
experiment in which they translocate chicks of the Black-footed
Albatross, a relative species to the Short-tailed Albatross,
to Mukojima Island from other islands of the Mukojima Archipelago
and raise them to fledge.
April 7th, 2008: working on the following, copyright
is on the article. We will use part of it, and
may ask for permission if more that a brief quote.
New home found for albatrosses
Yomiuri Shimbun
A team of Japanese and U.S. researchers promoting the protection of
the albatross, an endangered seabird, has selected the Ogasawara
Islands as a potential new breeding ground for the birds.
Currently, Torishima in the Izu Islands is the nation's largest breeding
ground for albatrosses, but the team fears the site could be threatened
by a volcanic eruption.
The albatrosses migrate between Torishima and Alaska and have been
officially designated an endangered species by the U.S. government,
which is drawing up a plan for the conservation of the species.
Japanese researchers have joined the movement as well, last year
setting up the Japan-U.S. albatross recovery team.
The team met in Chiba Prefecture for four days beginning Tuesday to
discuss volcano-free islands that would be potential new habitats
the birds.
The Ogasawara Islands are under Tokyo's jurisdiction and are located
about 300 kilometers south of Torishima. Albatrosses nested there
the 1930s.
But persuading the birds to return could be difficult. Since it is
not easy
to transfer chicks from one breeding ground to another, the team is
researching ways to get the birds to switch islands of their own accord.
This could include increasing albatross numbers on Torishima until
overcrowding prompts the birds to seek a new home.
The team plans to submit its proposal to the U.S. government as early
as the beginning of 2005 after listening to the opinions of other
Existing albatross conservation efforts have been fruitful, with an
estimated 1,655 birds on Torishima as of April.
But after an eruption in August 2002, the team decided it was essential
to find an alternative location for the bird sanctuary.
Copyright 2004 The Yomiuri Shimbun