Beautiful World
(Last time we followed mainroad RV17 through Norway - click here to see how.) Red route, October/November 2004, to Tana Bru and Vadsø in Northern Norway. An icy lake way up in Finland. But even at this time of the year, the nature is beautiful. Along the Tana river in Northern Norway. Here about 60 km from its northern outlet to the Arctic Ocean. A few kilometers further south it borders to Finland. There is a lot of sandy beaches along the riverside. And salmon-fishing is the favourite sport among the inhabitants here, using these local boats on the river. If you wonder if they do anything else but hunting reindeer and catching salmons up here, there is an alternative for food, too. They only have low growing birches up there, and every year they have to collect what to put in the fire for the winter - for the next winter. It takes about a year for the wood to dry up. Up on top of the hill is a telephone link, but the way up is a long, long way to crawl.... but when you are finally up, you have a wonderful sight of the mountain plateau. and a good view of the Tana river valley. In the center of the picture, the main road crosses the river - that is the only bridge within 60 kilometers. At wintertime they drive directly on the icy riverbed. |
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