Game Reserve, Tau
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29th, at 17:02 and 17:04. April 30th at 16:15
May 3rd, at 10:09
Game Reserve, Vuyatela
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30th, at 09:31, 10:20 and 10:48
Game Reserve, Sanwild
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27th, at 12:37 and 13:44
28th, at 11:35, 14:12 and 15:15
YAOUNDE (Reuters) -| Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:44am EST
Poachers have killed more than 200 elephants in Cameroon
in just six weeks, in a "massacre"
fuelled by Asian demand for ivory. A local government
official said heavily armed poachers
from Chad and Sudan had decimated the elephant population
of Bouba Ndjida National Park
in Cameroon's far north in a dry season killing spree.
Speaking on local radio, Haman said some of the poachers
were on horseback and operated in cahoots with the
local population, who were given free elephant meat
and were glad to be rid of animals that damage their
crops. ThiHowever, this latest massacre is massive
and has no comparison to those of the preceding years,.
Cameroon has dispatched a rapid reaction force to
the zone but Haman said there were not
enough troops to cover the remote park in Cameroon's
far north.
IFAW said it was not clear how many elephants remained
in Cameroon but a 2007 estimate
but the figure a between 1,000 and 5,000.
(Writing by David Lewis,; Editing by Rosalind
Latest: Many elephant calves orphaned by the recent
killings have been spotted in Cameroons Bouba
Ndjida National Park, and activists fear the animals
may soon die of hunger and thirst.
In the area around one of world's most famous
waterfalls, The Vicotira Falls in Africa, you will find
one of the richest wildlife places on earth.
We are then in the southern part of Africa,
to the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and
just west of Namibia and Botswana.
The Victorian falls is a 1.700 m wide waterfall,
falling more than 100 meters, whereafter the river
continues downward a 30 m wide canyon.
The Zambezi-river comes all the way from Angola,
crossing the continent on its way east and returns
to the ocean on the coast of Mozambique.
Lions are some of the animals
that fascinates people in Scandinavia.
They scare us, but yet we don't know much about them. And
may be that is good -
since we now are debating day and night as wolves are becoming
more usual,
you can only guess what would happen if someone set out lions
here, too.
For just like the wolves, lions also need food, but may be
there are
more of that kind on the plains around the Victoria Falls?
The Botswana Red lechwe - Kobus
leche - are living in the northern part of
Botswana, especially in the Okavango-delta, not far from
The Victoria Falls. They are very
social animals, and live in flocks up to 25 animals, often
led by one single male.
The Rhinos are not exactly lion-food, and
so they have nothing to be afraid of. Or....?
To break the neck on a giraffe isn't the easiest way to get
food, so both those animals are living quiet and peacefully
on the savannah..
A lot of other animals are also getting hungry.
One hungry animal is the cheetah.
It surely need some
extra food as it is known to be the fastes running
on earth. While hunting, it can reach 110 kilometers
hour, and then you'll have to run really fast
if you don't
want to be catfood that day.....
Another hungry animal is the leopard.
Not easy to
distinguish from its relative, the cheetah.
One difference
is the black line from the cheetah's eye down
to its
mouth, but you probably won't know till you have
to close to be comfortable.....
Anyway, it is a slower animal. It likes to crawl
and silently, but if it has to, up to 60 km/hour.
Another hungry animal is the hyene.Not particularly
the most popular animal, but they also have their place in
the system. Often thay just have to be grateful for eating
up what other wild animals leave behind, but then again is
is doing its job, cleaning up the earth.
The Zebra is wellknow as lion-food and other
wild animals, but so there are still more than
enough zebraes running around (yet....). There
are several different kinds of zebraes, but it
is inknown why they seldom mix with other kinds
than their own, even if they spend most of their
time in great mixed groups. In southern Africa most of
the zebraes where killed in the 19th century by the Boers
and other adventurous hunters.
Elephant. On of the world's largest animals, and well known
for its ivory-teeths - and therefore also often hunted
and slaughtered.
The elephant is also a social animal, so the
often groups in large flocks. An interesting feature
about the elephant, is that it has the longest
time known in the world of animals, having its
new baby inside for up to 22 months before giving
nocturnal insect hunter, the big-eyed bush baby rarely leaves
the trees in which it lives.
This African representative of the lemur family makes astonishing
leaps through the branches.
© Photo Des & Jen
Bartlett, National Geographic,
March 1983
There are still many other animals in Africa - yes,
unbelievable many - but nowadays we have the WEB,
so everyone can go hunting them all.
This short set of pictures are made hoping you will be mooved
to look for more of this fantastic and fascinating side of
the Creation. Use the searchers on the net, and learn more
about the many kinds of animals and birds on this earth!
Try these links to African Wildlife:
250 other animals - click here
images used herein, except where otherwise stated, were obtained from
IMSI's MasterClips(MasterPhotos(C) Collection,
1895 Francisco Blvd.East, San Rafael, CA 94901-5506, USA