Colonization of life on Surtsey has been studied since the formation
of the island.
Investigation carried out in the early days revealed that bacteria
and fungi soon became
established in the fresh volcanic substrate.
In the summer of 1965 the first vascular plant was found growing
on Surtsey, mosses became visible in 1968 and lichens were first
found on the Surtsey lava in 1970. Plant colonization
on Surtsey has been closely studied, the vascular plants in particular
as they have been of
far greater significance than mosses and lichens in the vegetation
14 in 1998 on sand-filled lava outside gull-colony.
Honkenya peploides had 2% cover, and was the only species
in the plot.
by © Borgthor Magnusson (taken from Magnusson & Magnusson
The island has been visited every summer and a record kept of colonizing
species and
their fate. Initially, each individual plant that was found on Surtsey
was marked on a map
and given a label. Measurements were made of its growth and development,
through the
summer and from year to year.
Such detailed observations were possible while the number of plants
on the island was
relatively small and it was continued untill 1978. After that time
the focus has been more
on particular sites on the island where the general development
has been followed
arenarius doesn't seem to have any problems on Surtsey now.
of photo by © Sigmar Metusalemsson
The first twenty years of vegetation colonization and succession
on Surtsey were
characterized by invasion and spread of the coastal species Honkenya
Leymus arenarius and
Mertensia maritima
which formed a simple community on
the unfertile, sandy substrate on the island. Of the other seventeen
species discovered on
the island during that period only seven managed to become established
and spread
slightly but they were all insignificant in the vegetation.
green: mosses
red: honckenya
blue: elymus arenarius
yellow: other plants
as cochlearia officinalis
and carex maritima
showing vegetation 1969, 1970 and 1976, while they yet counted
every single plant on the island. Red and blue have been enlargened
show where the plants are growing. Notice the change in the formation
if the island.
Map from Surtsey Research Progress Report IX
' Vascular plants on Surtsey 1977-1980 ' by Sturla Fridriksson
At the end of the eruption in June 1967, the island had reached
2,7 km² in total area.
The highest point on Surtsey, 154 m asl, is on the eastern hill.
The southern part of the
island is formed by lavaflows descending from the craters. The lava
flows have to a large
extent been filled in by drifting tephra
sand from the hills above them. The lava in the southeasternmost
part of Surtsey is though still mostly free of sand, but airborne
has settled in hollows and fissures.
The northernmost part of Surtsey is a low
ness, formed by eroded material carried by
the surf to the leeward side of the island. During winter
sea water may wash over the
ness area in extreme storms. The coastal erosion has taken its toll
of Surtsey and in
1998 the island had been reduced to 1,5 km².
The formation of the gull colony marked a new era in plant colonization
and succession
on Surtsey as these gulls had considerably
stronger impact than other breeding birds earlier established on
the island.
of vascular plant species found on Surtsey during 1965-1999
Taken from: Magnusson & Magnusson 2000.
The vegetation succession on Surtsey has changed considerably after
the formation of the
gull colony. A number of new plant species have colonized the island,
the nutrient status of
the soil has improved which has enabled nutrient demanding plants
to become established
and also improved the condition of older species on the island.
The main species that have taken advantage of the improved conditons
within the colony
area are Sagina procumbens, Poa annua,
P.pratensis, Puccinellia distans, Cerastium fontanum, Cochlearia
officinalis and Stellaria
media. Most of these species prefer
disturbed and/or nutrient-rich habitats and have a high seed production.
Poa annua and
stallaria media are annuals, but annual species had
not been able to become firmly
established on Surtsey before the formation of the gull colony.
1 in 1998, on sanmd-filled lava inside gull colony. The plot had
9 plant species in 1998
and extent of bare ground was only 8%.
peploides was the dominant species with 46% cover, while
poa annua,
poa pratensis, stellaria media, cerastium fontanum and
leymus arenarius also had a
relatively high cover in the plot.
by © Borgthor Magnusson (taken from Magnusson & Magnusson
In the center of the gull colony, changes in vegetation composition
and cover between years appear to have slowed down in the last few
years. In some of the lava plots the cover of
sagina procumbens has started to decrease but the
species has not disappeared in any
of the plots yet.
I have been wondering how long it would last till the first bush
or tree showed up on Surtsey.
Now I don't have wo wonder any longer. They have arrived the island
(which can reach a height of 4 meters, Salix phylicifolia,
arrived in 1998.
by © Borgthor Magnusson
According to my present very limited knowledge to latin names,
the above bush can be up
to 4 meters high, but I presume that there will be no larger forest
on the island for at least
a couple of years yet???
Main references of this
section on plants of Surtsey:
Magnusson, B. and S.
H. Magnusson, 2000. Vegetation on Surtsey, Iceland,
during 1990-1998 under the influence of breeding gulls. Surtsey
Research 11: 9 - 20.
Table showing the 57 species found so far, and the year first
More text if you click on the latin name;
Original picture: click on the picture
Cakile arctica
Away between 1981-86
and 88-94 |
1966 |
arenarius |
1967 |
peploides |
maritima |
1969 |
officinalis |
1970 |
Away from 1974-1988 |
1971 |
fragilis |
1972 |
Away between 1974-1997 |
Carex maritima |
Puccinellia distans |
Matricaria maritima |
1973 |
Festuca rubra |
1975 |
Cerastium fontanum |
Equisetum arvense |
Silena acaulis |
Juncus arcticus |
Poa pratensis |
Sagina procumbens |
1977 |
Atriplex patula |
1978 |
Rumex acetosella |
Cardaminopsis petraea |
Capsella bursa-pastoris |
1986 |
Armeria maritima |
1987 |
Poa annua |
Agrosis stolonifera |
1990 |
Alchemilla vulgaris |
Epilobium palustre |
Luzula multiflora |
1991 |
Taraxacum spp. |
Rumex acetosa |
Polygonum aviculare |
1992 |
Agrostis capillaris |
Alopecurus geniculatus |
Ranunculus acris |
1993 |
Deschampsia beringensis |
Empetrum nigrum |
Agrostis vinealis |
Eleocharis quinqueflora |
1994 |
Phleum pratense |
Montia fontana |
Poa glauca |
1995 |
Juncus alpinus |
Salix herbaceae |
Galium normanii |
1996 |
Potentilla anserina |
Anthoxanthum odoratum |
Leontodon autumnalis |
Rumex longifolius |
Polypodium vulgare |
Puccinellia maritima |
1997 |
Luzula spicata |
Myosotis arvensis |
1998 |
Salix phylicifolia |
Oxyria digyna |
2002 |
Ceutorhynchus insularis |
Plantago maritima |
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