Photo: ©
Dennis Olsen
It is a resident
bird of deciduous woods and parkland, with some old trees for nesting.
It feeds on insects, seeds and nuts. Its old name nut-hack
derives from its habit of
wedging a nut in a crevice in a tree, and then hacking at it with
its strong bill.
© Kristin Vigander, Holmen
8.mai 2006
It has the ability,
like other nuthatches, to climb down trees, unlike species such
as woodpeckers
which can only go upwards. It will come to bird feeding tables,
and is then very aggressive,
driving other species away.
The Eurasian Nuthatch
is 14cm long and has the typical nuthatch big head, short tail and
powerful bill and feet. It is blue-grey above, with a black eyestripe.
Asian and north European
birds (S. e. asiatica and S. e. europaea respectively) are white
below except for chestnut in
the vent area. The western European S. e. caesia has generally reddish
Young birds are "washed out" versions of the adults.

Photo: ©
Søren Sparvath
Nests are in holes
or crevices, lined with bark or grass.
The size of the holes entrance may be reduced by the building
of a neat mud wall.
Five to eight eggs are laid, white speckled with red.
This is
a noisy bird, often located by its repeated tui-tui-tui call.
Text above:
Rock Nuthatch:

Nuthatch (Sitta neumayer)
Delphi, Greece
Arthur Grosset
The Rock Nuthatch is distributed in the Balkans along the Adriatic
coast, in Greece, Bulgaria,
the Caucasus, Turkey and south to Israel. It is found on mountains
and hills, mainly limestone,
in dry, scrubby vegetation.
In summer
it feeds mainly on insects while in winter it feeds on seeds and
It is very much a bird of the ground and rocks.
Compared to the Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea, it has a slightly
longer bill
and is a paler reddish-buff on the flanks.
Habitat and behaviour are good indicators for this species.